the joke of the asylum system
The asylum system is beyond a joke. It seems that the best qualification for getting it is to be attempting to destroy British society, but if you are genuinely fleeing persecution then they send you back. Gay men like Kumran Shariatmadari and Isaac Osuji highlighted by Johann Hari, only two of so many many, face being sent back to countries where they face as the very least torture and probably death. Yet Bakri Mohamid was free to stay for 25 years and suck up as much in benefits as he could, even though he faced no threat at all in his home country and explicity proclaimed that he wants to destroy the freedoms of the British way of life and replace it with Sharia tryanny.
We had a duty to help people fleeing persecution, but none to harbour forgeiners that would seek to destroy us. New Labour seems to think the reverse.
Oh dear, I don't know what darling Neil is going to say about this.
Oh, wait; I do know: he's probably going to call you a racist.
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